You taste like absolutely everything I've never tried

I love the Killers, I really do, but I can't help wishing British group Daggers was getting even a tenth of the attention the Killers are in the lead up to Day & Age (which, yes, I am eagerly anticipating; both groups can coexist). For at least the past year (and longer another another name, I think), Daggers, who I was introduced to by #1 Hits and Worrapolava, have quietly been making epic synth-pop-rock worthy of making the '80's jealous. Frontman Theo has a fantastic voice for this sort of music, capable of of all the swooping and soaring necessary, and the group has an almost unnatural gift for creating hooks, both in the instrumental and vocal parts of their songs--trying not to sing along is a futile task. Why they aren't selling out stadium tours, let alone signed yet, I have no idea.

"Death It Feels" may very well be the best thing they've ever done, and that's quite an achievement considering the other songs they've made. Epic, soaring, hooky, exhilarating--as usual. Did I forget to mention "perfect"? Would we expect anything else? Now please, someone, somewhere, give us the opportunity to buy it already (preferably after it's become the massive hit it deserves to be).

(I was hesitant to post this song since 1.) I was introduced to it by other blogs, and 2.) the group really needs to get signed, but ultimately, it's so brilliant that I had to rave about it and do whatever spreading of the word I can.)

Please, please support this group--if you like their music--by buying what you can from them any country's iTunes store, namely, their double-sided single of "Magazine" and "Money." "Money" is another of their mindblowing tracks and very much worth your $.99. And then go listen to the songs on their MySpace and be even more astounded that this group isn't huge already...and know that they've had other songs on there that are just as good ("Lost In the Distance" is a must-listen).

Next up: maybe that interesting Italian song, that boy band song, or an American pop song. Or a Swedish electronic one.
