Disarmed--imagine Ola's best songs crossed with the Bassflow remixes of Martin Stenmarck's singles and I think you've got an idea of what "Disarmed" sounds like. It's sung by Johan Krafman, who won a Mix Megapol contest tied into Ladies' Night (that show Martin Stenmarck's a part of) that gave him a recording contract. He did a live performance of "Disarmed" that shows that he really does have a lovely quality to his voice and that the song, even stripped down, has a strong melody. In the studio version, though, we get a Bassflow backing beat (yes, it's distinctive enough at this point that we can call it that--I mean, go listen to the chorus of Alexander Schöld's "En Historia" and tell me you don't think "oh, that's got to be Bassflow on production") underneath it that propels the song forward. It's a song that's full of electronically created noises and yet that still has more of a pop-rock feel to it than, say, "S.O.S.", though that could just be Johan's voice making me say that. Is it too much to hope that, when Johan releases his album, it's got a bunch of songs from this team on it? Well, I'll probably be interested in it either way if it's an album that this single can comfortably sit on. For now, though, I'll be playing the fantastic catchy "Disarmed" on repeat and miming along with the ridiculous over-the-top gestures this song deserves.
(Incidentally, finding a picture for this post was near impossible; put some promo photos on somewhere besides Facebook, Johan!)
To buy Johan Krafman's debut single "Disarmed," go here (digital).
Speaking of miming along complete with ridiculous gestures, I have to repost this short clip I was introduced to by Oswalds Popcorn of Danny introducing his song "Radio." Total goofball stuff--and sadly pretty much what I'm like when listening to songs I love. 35 seconds that are near guaranteed to make you smile. I love it when popstars can be just as dorky as I can.
Next up: maybe an Italian or British song.