Da l' sam još jedna ja, pomalo nebitna

I don't compete in or even regularly follow any of the Internet competitions simulating or based off of Eurovision, but I'm glad they're out there as when you do stumble across them they can often lead you to songs you might never have otherwise heard of but which are great. Take Croatian singer Franka Batelić, whose debut single "Ruža u kamenu" ("Rose In The Stone") debuted through her HRF (Hrvatski radijski festival, or Croatian Radio Festival).

Maybe credit for the fierceness I feel from the song and performance should go to the choreographer and whoever was in charge of wardrobe, as the whole jerky time-stopping movements the tutu-skirted dancers do doing the whole post-chorus section are absolutely perfect for the song. The whole thing, though, adds up to what I can't help seeing as the birth of a star (previous exposure notwithstanding)--there's just something about the styling, the confidence, and, mainly, the song itself, with its odd pop sound, that has me hoping Franka will end up being interesting for the right reasons. "Ruža u kamenu" isn't a song I can really properly describe--mid-tempo, yes, with some half-agressive guitar-riffs, yes, but also with just a hint, a hint, of electro bubbling up here and there. And then that post-chorus section (or second chorus, if you want): the best part of the song, for sure, and one that makes me want to break out a more pause-filled version of the Girls Aloud hand clock.

In fact, that's it exactly: I want someone to take Franka away into a recording studio and turn her into a proper Girls Aloud type popstar--this song isn't there yet, but it's interesting enough and suits her well enough that it gives me reason to think she could get there. In all likelihood she'll never do that and will instead revert to fairly pedestrian songs like those that did well at the festival she was performing at, but when that happens it'll really be a shame. What are Xenomania doing in their spare time? Or, failing that and sticking closer to home, what's the main songwriter of Colonia doing? Let's match him up with Franka A.S.A.P.

I've got really no idea where to buy Croatian music online--if anyone has any recommendations, let me know and I'll add the link.

Next up: maybe back to the UK.
