Even if we lose our track, we're both the kind that won't turn back

Speaking of videos for Swedish pop-rock songs from 2003...

I've been engaged in this ongoing saga--yes, saga, because I need a suitably epic word--to get Swedish duo Grant's "Just The Thing," a song from back in 2003, ever since I heard a clip of it on Epicentre's site. Suffice to say I've failed miserably in every attempt to do so, never even managing to hear the full thing until now, via this video.

Awesome chorus? You bet. It's the sort of perfectly catchy thing that you know has to come from Sweden. You will have it stuck in your head for hours afterward. You think that's bad, though? Try having it stuck in your head for YEARS without being able to hear the full song. I can't believe I'm still sane (no commenting!).
