I took the boy she thought she knew and made him disappear

Magnus Carlsson has begun work on his next album, recording songs written by Pitchline (the makers of Velvet's '80's-tastic dance-pop songs "Come Into The Night" and "Take My Body Close"), with the technical assistance of Emil Hellman of SoundFactory (a name you may recognize from some Melodifestival artist-friendly remixes). He did three songs, including two named "I'm Doing OK I'm Doing Alright" and "When Our Love Is Gone."

In other Swedish artist news, turnaround (thanks!) clued me in to the fact that clips from Jonathan Fagerlund's new boy pop album Welcome To My World (out May 20) can be listened to here. I'm surprised (though not necessarily complaining) at how electronic much of it sounds, but there are still also some more "typical Jonathan" tracks, as well as hints of that more "organic commercial pop" past sprinkled throughout. Also of note is that Idol runner-up Alice Svensson duets with him on "Save Our Yesterdays."
