You never said you had a girlfriend

Do you remember Linda Teodosiu? German singer, used to be on a televised singing contest, released the great "Good At It" as a free download in advance of her proper debut single, the poorly titled "Love Sux"?

"Love Sux" has just been released and, in high quality, just how fantastic the production is really comes through. A Quiz & LaRossi and Claude Kelley song the Pussycat Dolls rejected, it has a bleepy electro backing that makes its similarity to the Saturday's "Up," also by Quiz & LaRossi, undeniable, but it's not a carbon copy; it's similar in, say, the way that most Max Martin songs of the teen pop boom were similar. With Linda sounding like a big voiced diva, "Love Sux" sashays around over its electro beat, hitting hard when it needs to, in a way that still has me excited about Linda as a popstar: if they use this sound as the jumping off point for her album, it could be great. The video isn't perfect, but it has a number of great moments, particularly when it comes to choreography. The overall package--quality song, generally quality video--makes me hope her handlers have creating a real popstar as their goal.

To buy Linda Teodosiu's first single, "Love Sux," go here (physical) or here (digital).

Next up: maybe something about a few American singers.
