I really should have written about Wynter Gordon's club-oriented "Dirty Talk" months ago, but with the weather as it is at the moment, now seems like a good time to finally fix that. Sure, the lyrics are ridiculous and eliminate any chance of it getting played on American radio--Britney can't even say "sin" here without it being censored--but the Jamaica-by-way-of-Ibiza production is positively intoxicating. It definitely makes me eager to hear more from Jupiter Ace as a producer. Even if I was never as excited about "Surveillance" as many other pop fans, Wynter seems to be a pretty good songwriter (we all agree the song she co-wrote for Jennifer Lopez, "Everybody's Girl," sounds like it's by far the best thing Jennifer's done recently, right?), so I'm looking forward to hearing more from her, too.
Scratch by poppostergirl
Wynter Gordon's single "Dirty Talk" is available on U.S. iTunes here. BG5's single "Scratch" isn't for sale yet, but you can buy an earlier EP by them on U.S. iTunes here.