Du vet att kärleken väljer som den vill

Do you ever have one of those days where it just seems like there's no song that fits as a feature, none that has that intangible X factor that somehow combines quality, lack of Internet saturation, and something you can add to the discussion about it? Today was one of those days for me.

As a result, let's just listen to four Swedish girls sing the best song from their album that hasn't been a single yet.

That was Timoteij with "Vild," the happy, slightly Irish but über-poppy second track from their debut album, released this spring. If you enjoyed it, I'd also recommend the current single "Högt över ängarna"--as pure pop a song as you'll hear this year (it's like the A*Teens never left...but lost their two boys)--and their debut single and Melodifestival entry "Kom"--which sounds like it's for six-year-olds (that's not an insult!) but is all about how important hook ups are in the summer.

You can buy Timoteij's debut album, Längtan, here (physical) or here (digital).
