Vida Loca by poppostergirl
"Vida Loca" doesn't stomp with quite the same gusto as "What's Your Name?" but it's still a lot of fun for those of us who love the cheesy pop side of Swedish music. Despite the title, it's not really all that Latin in flavor; sure, it's got a little shimmy to it, some "ey-oh-ey-oh-ey-oh"s, but it's mainly just a youthful, glossy, poppy song that, though it's by different writers, would have sat easily on an album with "What's Your Name?". Plus, it manages to run through a bunch of traditional Eurovision rhymes in the first verse alone. If only they'd managed to fit in "desire" to go along with "fire" and "higher"...
Cosmo4's album All Around The World can't be purchased anywhere that I know of, but you can buy some of the group's singles--"What's Your Name?", "Peek-A-Boo," and "Adios Amigos"--here (digital).