01 Trouble by poppostergirl
(Speaking of worth discussing, Fabio's hair certainly is, y/y? Heaven help me, I'm going to end up with a serial killer with fantastic hair one of these days.)
Energetic and pulsing, "Trouble" is instantly appealing, from its lyrics about addiction to a bad relationship to its melodies to its production (the quick, subtle fade in and fade out after the first chorus that teases the middle eight is a favorite moment). It has the life, wit, and verve of some other acts scattered throughout the Internet music scene, hovering on the edge of popularity, but everything has been polished to commercial, radio-ready perfection without losing any of its charm or excitement. It's basically everything a want from a male popstar--heck, any popstar--and makes me hope that, whenever Fabio finally gets launched, he finds success. Preferably of the massive kind, but I'll take what I can get. Ideally, he'll also manage to refine his ballads to a similar level of quality, but as long as his making songs as good as "Trouble," I can overlook that.
There's nowhere to buy Fabio Lendrum's songs yet, but you can pick up some remixes here.