...and today you accidentally called me "baby"

A bit of a mish-mash post for the moment.

"Sound Of Music," a song sung by Velvet which I posted on here a little while ago, will apparently be on Velvet's new album, despite the fact that I wrote at the time that the song was a demo for Lutricia McNeal. I can only guess that it was decided the song fit Velvet so well she should keep it (well, that and the fact that with her appearance in Melodifestivalen and Lutricia's still-stalled release of any new single, it seemed like there was more forward motion with Velvet's career). Even though the song's inclusion means we've heard at least six songs on the album ("Fix Me," "Chemistry," "Déjà Vu," "Take My Body Close," "Come Into The Night," and "Sound Of Music"), definitely know the title of one more ("The Queen," which we'll first get a taste of on February 20, since she's competing in the third Melodifestival semifinal), and have heard a track that we can guess is on the album but I don't think was every a proper single and so can't be sure about ("My Rhythm"), I'm thrilled about the news--it's a fantastic song. In celebration, here's another demo sung by Velvet, though this one really isn't for her, just her providing vocals on a track so it can be promoted to other artists. It's not quite as classy as "Sound Of Music," but it's fun if you're into everything dance-pop. Hopefully the date Velvet's official site announces as "preliminary," March 18, gets stuck to--we've been waiting forever for this album.

Johan Krafman's "Chain Reaction" is now officially released as a single. I'm incredibly nervous about how it'll do for him after "Disarmed"'s failure to properly take off, but I've got my fingers crossed for him. Buy it here (digital).

Lily Allen's new album is too fantastic to do a rushed write-up job for right now, but ahead of a proper review I have to mention that listening to songs like "Who'd Have Known" and "Chinese" makes me wish I was in a steady relationship in the most lovely wistful real world way possible, something even the lyrical content of "I Could Say" (almost unspeakably lovely) and "Not Fair" can't impede.
