Love will last forever

Do you know who's amazing? Commenter Wiola P, who alerted me to the fact that Måns Zelmerlöw had uploaded MZW to his MySpace.

Do you know who's also amazing? Måns. Getting to listen to this album a week earlier than expected is making my day.

"Forever" is dance-tastic. It sports a musical line that my first response to was "that sounds like Basshunter's 'DotA,'" but I've always liked that song anyway. "Freak Out" is so poppy, despite its R&B and electronic influences, and so catchy that I've already got a huge crush on it. "Rewind" answers my prayers by being in the dance direction I hoped but didn't dare expect it would be, and the same could be said for any number of other songs on MZW. In general, the sound seems to be much more grown up, fully fleshed out, modern, and with an electronic bite to it; more international, but still Måns. It's not a schlager album, but, at least in a partial listening, it's the album I was hoping Måns would make, especially once we knew the collaborators.

Given that I'm pressed for time at the moment (skipping class to listen to an album has never sounded so appealing), I can't say more or even listen to all the tracks before I leave (I'll write more when I get back). Let's just say that, after this album, any chance of me escaping Måns's effect on me is pretty much gone.

Buy MZW here (physical) or here (physical). It comes out next week, but you can preorder it now.
