I haven't made up my mind about the video yet. It feels like it should be better than it is, especially given how much I like the concept for it of the room filling with water.
Not being a soccer fan and being an American, it's a little difficult for me to imagine being where a mistake in soccer game can be that devastating; I know it's just an analogy (once could presume for some hot water Tiziano found himself in after some comments), but I go back and forth on whether it's the most effective one possible. I know it's more clichéd, but I wonder if I might have felt its emotional impact more if the scenes surrounding the water-filled room were about a relationship, even if that widened the distance between the lyrics' intent and what the video displayed. That said, it does give the song some added impact as is and I've oddly found myself returning to it, despite its (perceived) flaws.