Spanish Monastery meets HDR

During the shooting of Vivian Palacios bridal gowns, I had some free time while waiting during the wardrobe changes. I took my tripod and an umbrella and I shooted under the rain these images using the HDR technique.

Vivian's bridal gowns

Today I had the opportunity to shoot some of Vivian Palacio creations at the Spanish Monastery at North Miami Beach. Despite the very bad weather conditions and the lack of good lighting , we managed the circumstances into our favor and create a very glamorous, fashionable and dramatic portfolio.

HDR - Finally, I did it!!!

There is a new technique in photography call HDR or High Dynamic Range, so new that is very hard to find books about the subject in Barnes & Noble or Borders. Making it simple, when we take a picture, we work with a specific "range" of colors; but if we take two or more pictures of the same subject with different exposures, we will have a broader range of colors or a high dynamic range. Once we get the different exposures, we have to stack and blend those pictures and make a "sandwich", the process is kind of laborious, but the results worth the work. Here is a picture of my H3 in the middle of nowhere.
